How to connect to a COM library using Qt (An example of how to change Skype status using Qt and Skype4COM.DLL)

I wrote this program some time ago  to change my Skype status to Online and Away at different hours during the day. I decided I could share the source code because it is a good example on how to connect to a COM library using Qt.

Following should be noted about the source code provided in this post.

  • “skype4comlib” is produced using “dumpcpp” tool so you don’t need to create it yourself, and I also didn’t create it myself 🙂
    • Please refer to this link to get information on how to use dumpcpp.
  • Skype4COM library can be found here (usually)
    • C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesSkypeSkype4COM.DLL

Post a comment if there is anything confusing about the source code.

To test it just make sure Skype is running and just run the two Qt projects included in the source code.



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Qt Build Configure Options

I usually need to select a variety of options for building Qt depending on what I need and what I don’t need and strangely enough it is not easy to find the list of available options in the documentations so here it is.

Below is the list of all configure options for building Qt. It is taken from Qt 5.5 configure file which can be found under qtbase.

Continue reading “Qt Build Configure Options”

What to track, learn and practice? [For Machine Vision Development]

Following is a list of libraries and software that should be learned by anyone who wants to develop in the field of AI and Machine Vision. Of course learning each one of them in a thorough manner would take lots and lots of time but to have a consistent level of knowledge in all of them would help tremendously in developing sophisticated apps and finding your way in highly complex AI related projects.

What I suggest here is a little bit Windows OS based but you can replace those items with any items that you like and that is relevant to the OS of your choice. (Even though I am all for open-source, I strongly recommend going for Windows in case of operating systems. Specially now that Windows 10 is out.)