Clipboard OCR, a tiny utility for Microsoft Surface users

If you are a Microsoft Surface user like me, and at the same time watch videos, presentations, study and take lots of notes, then you have probably wondered why Snipping Tool in Microsoft Windows doesn’t support extracting text from images or in other words, OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

Well, I asked the same question many times over and then stopped asking and created a simple app that does the job for me! That is the topic of this post, so keep reading if you are interested.

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CamStylus version 0.9.1 released!

Today I released the first official version of CamStylus program. It is a free program (currently only for Windows) which allows interaction with your PC using your webcam. It is still at the very early stages of development so keep your expectations real. I am going to update this program more and more whenever I get some spare time to make it more easier to use.

Please check out this project’s website for more information.

You can always access the latest version from Download page at CamStylus website.