Image Transformer (Fourier Transform App for Android)

UPDATE: This application is updated. Please read this post for more information.

My new application is a tool for for performing Fourier transformation on images. You can then apply masks to the Fourier representation of image and revert back (perform Inverse Fourier Transform) to see how the image gets affected.

For more information about Fourier Transform you can check out this link.

It is built using OpenCV and Qt and it is programmed completely in C++. I hope it would be useful for Image Processing and Machine Vision enthusiasts, researchers and students. It also contains some useful tips and tricks for programming Android applications using Qt and OpenCV such as:

  • How to open Android image gallery in Qt (Default interface)
  • How to capture images using default Android camera interface
  • How to crop images displayed on a QLabel
  • etc.

Source code (any part of it actually 🙂 ) is available upon request. Please send your requests using the Contact Me page.

Please consider supporting this application by giving a decent rating in Google Play.

For an example of Fourier transform using OpenCV please check out this link.

You can also see this link for more information about Fourier transform.

You can download this application from Google Play using the link below:


OpenCV Feature Points Comparison Program (Executable + Source Code)

This program allows you to benchmark algorithms in OpenCV related to object detection using key points. It allows you to set all the required parameters using a simple interface and search for an object in a scene and view the results. This program is written in C++ using Qt and it uses OpenCV libraries.
Please note that this program should only be used for educational purposes. In my case I was using it for research purposes and as a tool for deciding which algorithm I should use in my programs.

Continue reading “OpenCV Feature Points Comparison Program (Executable + Source Code)”

Introduction to Support Vector Machines OpenCV 3.0.0 Example (Working version)

Following is the slightly modified version of the example for “Introduction to Support Vector Machines” that is working with OpenCV v.3.0.0 (Current version on OpenCV website only works with version 2.4.X)

I assume that you have installed OpenCV 3.0.0 on your computer successfully and you know how to add library references etc. If you have any questions please put a comment or use the “Contact Me” page.

Continue reading “Introduction to Support Vector Machines OpenCV 3.0.0 Example (Working version)”

Required Includes and Libraries for OpenCV in Qt

Update on March 18th, 2018: Now you can use this post for a more recent, accurate and complete guide on adding OpenCV to Qt projects.

Use the following lines in a .pri file that is added to your project by using “include(C:/opencv/opencv.pri)”. This allows easy including of headers and library references in a Qt project.

(Note that in case you are using another version of OpenCV, your library names might be different.)

Continue reading “Required Includes and Libraries for OpenCV in Qt”