Building Python (CPython) from sources and getting started on Windows

I’m having a blast building CPython from scratch and thought it’s probably a good idea to keep track of the build steps. I figured this one’s something I’ll be doing/repeating for a long time. This has the potential of making Python app deployment quite simple.

Start by downloading and extracting a copy of compressed Python sources. Here’s one example:

Extract and CD to the folder containing the sources using PowerShell. Then run the following command to build Python:

.\PCbuild\build.bat -e -c Release -p x64 -t Build

Keep in mind, this requires Visual Studio and its C++ development components to be present on your computer.

Add the build folder to the path. (something like C:\Python-3.9.12\PCbuild\amd64)

CD to build folder and run the following:

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Now you can install pip packages and start using Python. Here’s an example:

python -m pip install jupyterlab

Have fun!

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