How to convert QString to C String (char *)

The best solution for this would be to go through standard C++ and it means this:

Let’s say you have a QString, like this:

QString s = "";

First convert it to std::string and then use its c_str method, like this:


Cardiograph v1.0 Released!

Today I released the first version of Cardiograph program. It is a program that allows you to measure (monitor) your heart rate using your computer’s webcam. It is designed to be simple and accurate. Currently only Windows is supported but hopefully more operating systems will be supported in the future.


Head to Cardiograph Official Page to download and try it for yourself.

Below are screenshots of Cardiograph in action:

Let me know if you face any issues.

Image Filtering Using Fourier Transform

In Machine Vision there is a magical trick that involves Fourier transformation of an image and I would like to share it with you today. I learned this long ago from a professor of mine but I remember back then there was not much experience and information about this on the web. Also there was no program that allowed experimenting with Fourier transformation of Images, until I developed an Android application titled Image Transformer, using OpenCV and Qt, which allows you to do just that.

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Embedding Fonts in Your Qt Application

Whether you are building an application or a game using Qt for desktop or mobile, you probably like to see the same fonts on the target computers or phones that you set during development. Well sometimes the fonts that you have used just don’t exist in target platforms. Follow these simple steps to embed a font in your application and guarantee that it will exactly look the same when your users run them.

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