Creating a Pure C++11 Generic Timer Class

One thing I noticed while searching for a simple, generic and pure C++ Timer class online, was the huge amount of answers that were floating around and none of them fit the exact description I was looking for. As a Qt Framework user I wanted to have something as close to QTimer as possible, or maybe even something like Timer class in .NET Framework and C# language. Well, I ended up writing one myself using what I could gather and this post is the summary of it all.

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Implementing Minimize To Tray Functionality Using Qt/C++

I wanted to create my own personal stand-alone YouTube Player with Minimize to System Tray functionality. In other words I wanted it to be minimized to the System Tray when I closed it and displayed again when I clicked its icon in System Tray. I actually did it the other day and the whole thing led to this post. So, in this post I’ll describe How to use Qt/C++ to create your own YouTube Player with Minimize to Tray functionality in less than 10 minutes.

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How to Use OpenCV in Unity for Android

If you’ve read my previous articles (especially this one) about how to use OpenCV in Unity and how to pass images between them, this post will feel like a breeze and you can just quickly skim through it. However, if you haven’t, I recommend doing so because in this post I’ll describe how to create an Android library that uses the OpenCV library and then include it in your Unity project, or in other words describe what we did in Unity for Windows this time in Unity for Android.

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How to Pass Images Between OpenCV and Unity

A question I got a lot after writing this post quite some time ago was “How to pass a processed image from OpenCV back to Unity?!” Obviously, that tutorial described just the way to pass images from Unity to C# (because of the nature of what it needed to do) and my answers in the comments section didn’t quite clarify things for most people, so I thought why not write another tutorial and address all those questions in one go. This article is the result, so I hope it helps you understand not just how images are passed from Unity to OpenCV and vice versa, but also why it needs to be done like this.

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Live Fourier Transform Using Fourier Camera

You can use my new Android app to use the cameras on your phone for a live Fourier Transformation of objects and surroundings. It’s called Fourier Camera and it can be downloaded from the following link:

This application uses OpenCV and Qt framework. If you’ve got any questions about it, you can post your comments below.

How to Use DPAPI with Qt Framework to Encrypt and Decrypt Data

When dealing with data encryption and decryption in Windows operating systems, probably one of the best choices is to use the Data Protection API. In this post I’ll be sharing two simple functions that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data (such as passwords, recovery keys and so on) that you want to store in an easy, quick and highly protected manner. Needless to say, these functions can be used with C++ and Qt Framework.

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